Writing Prompts

If education could be ...

"If education could be tailored and suited to individual people and students, there would be less dropouts and more successes. Instead of focusing on only one kind of learner, like most schools do, they should be able to provide alternative opportunities. It seems only fair to give everyone a chance to excel. Individual students should have the right to choose how they are taught and what they are taught, to benefit their future." 
~ Paula Sorenson

"If education could be, for everyone, an exciting, inspiring journey which fully engaged all participants through loving, caring teachers and their full support, and sponsorship of the greater community, I would be pretty stoked." 
 ~ Dylan Nichol

"If education could be a rainbow, the colors and perspectives would blend together in an organized arch that connects the minds of its followers. It only appears when both the rain of students and the shining rays of teachers coexist."
 ~ Nakaia Millman

"If education were a way to include our youth in the workings of our community,
If education meant helping people to find what they are passionate about,
If education meant sharing heritage and cultivating creativity,
We would be a healthy community."
 ~ Jonathan Safir

I care about food because ...

"I care about food because it is part of my life on a daily basis - where it comes from and what it gives to me is very important to me. I love good food. You are what you eat and I want to discover who I am."
 ~ Tristan de Rochefort

"I care about food because it is a universal interest. We all need it, we all want it, and it nourishes us. We want it to affect us positively and help us reach our full potential mentally and physically." 
 ~ Paula Sorenson

A vital community is ...

"A vital community is a place where everyone is supported and feels accepted and/or needed. It has inspirations in both people and physical locations. There is a sort of general want to improve the community through motivated individuals and organizations."
  ~ Paula Sorenson

"A vital community is organized and it's members are very involved. They discuss the community's progress and future endeavors, and are invested emotionally in its fate." 
  ~ Tristan de Rochefort

"A vital community engages its members and challenges them to participate. 'Community' is a word like 'relationship' - we tend to look at them as nouns when actually they should be treated as verbs - active participation."
  ~ Jonathan Safir

"A healthy community is one that recognizes its youth as well as its elders. Not only does it recognize these people but it also respects them. All members have a voice and each voice is equally audible. A healthy community values both physical and mental well-being. Education is embraced and available. Expression in all shapes and forms is encouraged."
 ~ Will Nolan